Dec '24

The Greatest Gift of All!
Dec '24

On my way to work I got a phone call from one of my teens, “Hey Sara, is there a kid in 71Five who can’t have Christmas this year, like they have no presents?” I let him know I was sure there were some. He then explained that he had a present and he wanted a kid with no Christmas to have it. It was a special gift he said, “…Because everyone should have a gift for Christmas!” His generosity encouraged me and reminded me of the gift we are about to celebrate: Jesus’ humble birth. Jesus too was born into a family where presents would have been hard to come by, a family that faced hardships and trials. He could have come down any way he liked, something more for a king. But instead, our Elohim, mighty God came down as a baby into the humblest of families to seek and to save the lost. Giving us the greatest gift of all.
Thank you for being a part of sharing the most important gift with the young people in your community.
Merry Christmas,
SARA VASSALLO, 71Five Campus Coordinator – Central Point
(541) 816-6761 | sara@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB