Mar '25

The Spirit Realm . . .
Mar '25

“Shane, do you believe in ghosts?” I was startled by the question this young lady was asking me, for one, she had previously never spoken up during our lesson time, and two, it was not directly connected to the lesson that I was sharing. Despite that, it ended up kicking off a 45 minute long intense discussion among the Middle Schoolers about the spirit world and encounters they have had! I was grateful that this young lady dared to ask such a question and then to share some supernatural experiences she had had. I was shocked to see how important and relevant this discussion was for this age group! And, I found it was a wide open-door to speak about the supernatural truths that are in the Bible to Gen Z/Alpha! I believe God is using the attraction to the spirit realm as a gateway to reach these kids for Christ!
Right now there’s a huge opening to speak to young people about spiritual truths. According to a CDC report, 42% of Gen Z struggle with persistent hopelessness, nearly 30% describe themselves as having poor mental health, and 22% have considered suicide. They are searching and are spiritually hungry. The previous generations have told them that there is nothing beyond this world; but they know deep down inside this is a lie. Many of them are looking for God in all the wrong places. The online community known as #WitchTok, has 45 billion views on TikTok! More people in Generation Z are into spiritualism than they are any kind of organized religion. But the good news is that they are hungry for something more than this world, a hunger that God himself has placed inside them that will not be denied! (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
You and I have an unparalleled opportunity right now, to speak into this generation with the truth of God’s hope for them! Thank you so much for joining us in the fight as we surge through this open-door to reach the youth before the enemy does! Now is the time for us to act, come join us if you’re not already in this fight with volunteering your time, financial support and persistent prayer! As Jesus says, the harvest is ripe (Matthew 9:37-38)!
SHANE SKIRVIN, 71Five Campus Coordinator – North Medford
(541) 646-1475 | shane@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB