Mar '19

This Amazing Young Lady!
Mar '19

Miranda is soft-spoken and reserved but has a smile that fills the room! Over the last several months Miranda has increased in her sociability with others in our 71Five Mentors Elementary Club… students and adults alike. She actively participates in the group by asking and answering questions, shares her memorization skills by telling us the Bible verses she learned last year, and one night she brought her new guitar to share her musical abilities. It is an honor to witness this amazing young lady grow and blossom right before our eyes. She is not yet matched with her own mentor but we already recognize her confidence sprouting in the group mentoring setting.
Many kids like Miranda are on a waiting list to receive a mentor. Would you pray about ways in which you could participate in sharing the love of Christ to these incredible young people? MISTY DUKE 71Five Mentors Director misty@71Five.org