Jan '24

Time for a Change!
Jan '24

Six months ago, some grandparents brought their 20-year-old grandson, Ken, to tour 71Five VoTech in Medford. This young man was struggling with his future, he didn’t have a job, and he really didn’t have a place to live. He was kind, but shy, and you could see that life had thrown him some hard punches. He was interested in our program, but he just wasn’t ready to make the leap. Then at the beginning of this year he contacted me and said, “I’m ready to make a change!” This young man moved into 71Five’s Residence Housing, started classes, and is close to securing a job. He turns 21 this week and is feeling like truly there is hope for his future. He has excelled in the program, and he is understanding that Jesus has a plan for his life and it is good.
It’s exciting to watch the transformation happening in his heart and life. Your love and kindness has impacted Ken’s life and he will never be the same. His story is not so different from the many other students that you are a part of.
TERESA HUTLEY, 71Five VoTech Case Manager – Medford
541.282.4689 | theresahutley@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB