Mar '22

Trusting Advice
Mar '22

A few days ago, I got a text from a student who comes to the Phoenix/Talent club. He asked, “Do you know how to fix a broken relationship?” The situation was from a couple hours earlier where he and his best friend ended their friendship. After he cooled off a bit, he realized ending the friendship was not what he wanted even though they’ve been fighting a lot. I was surprised to find out I was the first person who came to mind when he was trying to get advice. You see, this young man and I are very different, coming from different backgrounds and perspectives. It’s been tough building a relationship with him over time.
Trust is foundational to a relationship. The problem is, trust can be hard to establish when the kid has been hurt and their trust has been broken. This young man has seen his parents going through a divorce. Divorce is hard for a kid; it makes relationships scary to the point they’ll end them before they get hurt. I don’t know of a better feeling than when I realized this kid trusts in me enough to ask for advice. He doesn’t even trust in God yet, but… he’s taking a step in the right direction. You provide the trust that leads to hope. Thank you!
LEIF AMUNDSEN, 71Five Marketing Assistant and 71Five Campus Volunteer – Phoenix/Talent
(541) 840-0059 | leif@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB