Oct '23

Until It’s Complete
Oct '23

Aiden has been coming to 71Five Campus for a little over a year. He’s got a huge personality! He loves to add his one-of-a-kind humor to any situation, and he sure does light up a room. 71Five had the opportunity to participate in the 4th of July parade in Eagle Point this year and Aiden didn’t hold back ANY of himself while helping represent the ministry. A little more about Aiden, is his love for God. About a year ago he took a huge step forward in his faith. He always loves learning more about Jesus, and I’ve witnessed God working in his life to help him grow. In a conversation we had recently, Aiden was talking about certain ways he acts or responds that he realizes is wrong, and that he’d like to change it. While Aiden had stated something he needed to work on, God helped me to see a work that had already been done… that IS being done right now. God is making Aiden’s heart more like His own. God promises that He will continue the good work that he has started in you until it is complete.
We are able to impact the lives of kids like Aiden, and help them grow closer to God through trusting relationships, and kids are presented with the opportunity to step out in faith, and press into God.
PETER KUHL, 71Five Campus Coordinator – Eagle Point
541.630.0648 | peter@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB