Oct '22

Oct '22

In our current classes, we have four returning students. Of these, two students are resent graduates of a Juvenile Justice system called B2B meaning Barriers to Bridges. They requested to join us and are now back. They are learning employment skills, practical life skills and hearing God’s word. These young men have had some serious issues in their lives but are committed to doing better. One of them is housed with us and has only been here a few days. He shared that since he graduated out of B2B he has been struggling with being drawn back into drugs, alcohol and just hanging out with the wrong people. “Why?” she asked. He said, “For comfort and to feel connected.” On my way to 71Five VoTech this morning, I passed him a few blocks away from walking by the local park. I was concerned to see him out and about. I waved at him as I went by and he waved back. I later overheard him talking to our case manager. He mentioned seeing me and waving as he was on his way to school. “What?” I thought… “On his way to school?” He said to her, “I started back to school today, I also applied for a job, I got my food card, I am working on getting a bus pass.” Then he said, “I would like to start going to church again.” This is definitely an “Up Grade” from the young man we knew that was out on the street looking for ways to ease his pain.
You have changed the life of this young man. Thank you for your continuous prayers and support for the work of 71Five and especially for 71Five VoTech – Medford branch of the ministry as we see more young people Up Grade their lives.
LARRY LICATO, 71Five VoTech Coordinator – Medford
(541) 890-1819 | larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB