Used by God.

Here’s an excerpt from a letter I recently received:
“God’s peace washed over me when I learned of what you did in my grandson’s life. We had been praying fervently that God would speak to him in his troubled mind – you were an answer to our prayers. We hope this somehow impacts you, that it gives you confirmation that you are doing what God meant you to do.
Though he died before we could see total transformation in his physical life, God gave us assurance through you that He made him whole and took him into His presence on the day he left this life. Again, I want you to know you are being used by God. I am thinking that much of your ministry is a struggle, not knowing if your day-to-day work is making an impact. You make a difference. Keep listening to God and let Him use you to impact lives and draw lost souls to Christ. He redeems and can make all things new.”
To the author of this letter… I have mourned the loss of your grandson deeply. Thank you for your encouraging words, they are precious. I am grateful for your financial partnership with 71Five Justice to share the Gospel with other hurting kids. God Bless you.
BEAU JESKA,  71Five Operations Director
541.601.9631 |
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB
