Jun '21

what you do
Jun '21

At 71Five it’s so easy to get distracted from our Mission as we work hard to meet the needs of kids. There are so many struggles they are facing. So… it’s incredibly important to pause and remember what we’re doing. I wrote this synopsis a couple years ago and I think it’s a good reminder of what we do.
“71Five makes every effort to ‘see’ each young person we encounter. We see them wherever they are— in school, in the ‘system’ or on the street. We see each as an individual with their own interests and needs. We see each of them struggle with some level of hurt and discouragement as they make their way toward adulthood. So, we provide safe, fun and informative activities where they can hear the life changing message of Jesus Christ in the context of a trusting relationship where trust will lead them to hope…”
What you do is powerful, seeing young people and providing trust that leads to hope! It changes lives forever.
BUD AMUNDSEN, 71Five Executive Director
(541) 301-0897 | bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB