Mar '20

what you’ve done…
Mar '20

Do you remember the stories we’ve shared? Here is what you’ve accomplished in the lives of several young people… There are so many more.
- You brought a message of forgiveness to a gal guilty of crime and facing jail.
- You communicated that life has purpose to young people who are discouraged and depressed.
- You bring safety and fun into the lives of kids whose homes are not safe.
- You’ve brought kind words and compliments to a boy who hears nothing but criticism and insults at home.
- You offered faithfulness and trust to a young man with no one in his life he can trust.
- You bring direction to lost kids with no ability to navigate life.
- You have guided hundreds and hundreds of kids through trusting relationships to real hope— an eternal and indestructible hope in Jesus.
Someday I hope you can hear the thanks you deserve directly from the kids whose lives you’ve changed, but until then, hear the gratitude from me… Thank you!! BUD AMUNDSEN 71Five Executive Director (541) 779-3275 bud@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB