Aug '21

Where are you?
Aug '21

While at 71Five VoTech, one student, Thom, was very open to share his love for Jesus with the other students. Admittedly, his bible knowledge was sometimes a little off, but he told me that he felt called to help anyone that needed to hear a good word. I usually didn’t correct him on the spot as I knew his heart was in the right place. I realized I hadn’t seen him for a while, so I shot him a text. I asked if he would like to come to my house for dinner sometime. He texted me right back saying, “Yes, how about tomorrow?” The next day I called him. So, where are you, I asked. He said he was downtown walking. I asked if I could swing by and pick him up. He agreed and as we drove, we talked. I found out that he moved out of his house and was living in the laundry room of a family that took him in. Also, he was working almost full time and trying his best to do well. At our house we had dinner and watched a little TV. Then on the way home he started to talk. He shared how important God was in his life and he new that God was there taking care of him. As I let him out in the middle of town, I told him he can come over anytime. He smiled and thanked me and as he turned to go, with tears welling up, he told me that I was a very special person in his life. As I drove off, noticeably harder to see and the wipers were no help, I thought back and answered my own question. I know where you are Thom. In the center of Gods love.
You my friends are the reason there is Trust that leads to Hope for so many youth who have no meaningful adult relationships. Thank you for continuing to build these trusting relationships.
LARRY LICATO, 71Five VoTech Coordinator
(541) 890-1819 | larry@71Five.org
“Lord God, you are my hope. I have trusted you since I was young.” Psalm 71:5 ICB