We want to connect with all of our supporters and let you know something very important… “THANK YOU!” We appreciate your ongoing support through your prayers, volunteerism, and financial gifts. YOU are making a difference in reaching the lost and lonely youth. YOU are helping build authentic mentoring relationships through YOUR partnership. With the generosity of supporters like YOU, we would not be able to reach so many kids with the love of Christ.
What you accomplish through Youth 71Five is so essential. You give kids a safe place, a caring adult and a message of hope about a savior who has come to be with us.
Our Year-End Campaign is vital to this work. Please consider giving during the Year-End Gift Campaign.

Youth 71Five Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit Christ-centered organization supported through the generosity of individuals, foundations and businesses like you. Tax Exempt #93-0509269
You may submit your information to:
529 Edwards Street,
Medford, Oregon 97501
office (541) 779-3275
GIFT here:
mail to: 529 Edwards Street, Medford, Oregon 97501 | (541) 779-3275 | office@71Five.org